福州油葱光饼 (10片装)Fuzhou Guang Biscuit - Shallot
福州油葱光饼 (10片装)Fuzhou Guang Biscuit - Shallot
福州油葱光饼 (10片装)Fuzhou Guang Biscuit - Shallot
福州油葱光饼 (10片装)Fuzhou Guang Biscuit - Shallot
146 Sold

福州油葱光饼 (10片装)Fuzhou Guang Biscuit - Shallot

SKU: RX1.6
RM 35.00
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福州老味道,也只有福州老师傅知道。所以我们以代理了老师傅的手艺,福州继光饼除了那碳烤香就是那带点韧度的老口感, 慢慢咀嚼,会越吃越香。两种经典口味,油葱和芝麻叉烧,任君选择。The taste of old Fuzhou, we appreciate the craftmanship and hence, we represent it. Fuzhou "Guang Biscuit" in addition to the charcoal roasted incense with special al-dente palate. Take it slow, every bite will boost your mind. Choose from two classic flavors, shallots and sesame char siu.




Reheat option 1, Bread Toeaster:  without thawing, set the toast level at 3 until auto pop-up. Repeat the step one more time, and it's ready to serve.

Reheat option 2, Pan Fry: without thawing, slow fry under low heat for 8 minutes, flip it time to time for even crust.

Reheat option 3, With air-fryer at 170•c, air fry for 6minutes and ready to serve.



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