(预定)自酿福州红酒 (PRE-ORDER)Homemade Fermented Fuzhou Red Wine
(预定)自酿福州红酒 (PRE-ORDER)Homemade Fermented Fuzhou Red Wine
88 Sold

(预定)自酿福州红酒 (PRE-ORDER)Homemade Fermented Fuzhou Red Wine

SKU: RX6.3
RM 45.00
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福州料理的灵魂材料之一, 瑞熙自酿红糟酒。它需要至少33-40天的发酵时间,适当的处理,适当的环境温度,才能酿制出好品质的香醇红糟酒。
One of the soul ingredients of Fook Chow cuisine, homemade red yeast wine. It requires at least 33-40 days of fermentation duration. Proper handling and ambient temperature are highly required to produce a good quality mellow red yeast wine.

由于红酒需要时间的酝酿,所以我们现只接受预定才开始制作,起酒后我们会再联系您 然后安排发货,如有不便敬请谅解。

  1. 自家酿制的红酒让我们放心地喝,买来送给妈妈, 妈妈很喜欢 一直说甜也很香。叫我下次买多2支。

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