瑞熙粮品 Rui Xi Liang Pin 致力于推广家乡霹雳州“实兆远(Sitiawan)”的福州料理,符合现代城市人的忙碌生活作息,我们几乎把所有的料理产品都以冷冻的方式保鲜处理,想念时只需要从冷冻库里取出,解冻,翻热即解嘴馋。并非每道料理都适合冷冻处理,我们推出的每道料理都经过时间研究,拿捏它的熟成度,口感,味道与翻热时间。希望,享用那方便型冷冻料理之余也还能品到原味。
We focusing on the promotion of Fuzhou cuisine in its hometown of Perak "Sitiawan", in line with the busy life of modern urban people, we keep almost all cooked products fresh in frozen way, and when you miss it, you only need to take it out of the freezer, thaw it, and heat it up to relieve your crave. Not every dishes suitable for freezing, and every dish we offer has been studied over time to determine its maturity, texture, taste and reheat duration. We hope that you can enjoy the conveniences of frozen packed dishes without losing it’s original taste.